Les Dieux Changeants is a CGI short film that depicts the virtual demolition of some of the great sculptures of Western art history.

The film creates a visually intriguing legacy: the static millenary beauty of those marbles being suddenly put into motion by a physical event, the hit of a bullet.

The act of destruction is represented allegorically, as an uncertain process oscillating between negative annihilation and positive creativity readable on many levels and left open to the viewer to discern. Its philosophical meaning is open to interpretation, accompaniend by the emblematic end quote from Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra”.

All the statues portrayed in the film are 3d scans from real life casts created by SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst (the National Gallery of Denmark). This film is a contribution to SMK Open, the Museum initiative to digitize their entire collection in order to make it freely available for the public to use, remix and re-elaborate to create new art.